Wednesday, April 29, 2009

7 natural anti viral elements flu epidemic pandemic

Hi Kimberly,

"My daughter-in-law is very concerned about the swine flue outbreak....will be happy to hear about them, because she was also concerned about the side affects reported from the last outbreaks medications."

Yes,Dr Leo LaPorte's son, Leo Jr- "the tech guy" showed us how to track the epidemic on google map and the World Health Organization map. He then mentioned his father said to him that more persons died of the vaccine during the last outbreak in the 70s than of the flu itself!

I put some research together regarding natural anti virals for which have been shown to have played a role in preventing other case history flu epidemics.

Natural Anti Virals Some Basic Research
In studying planetary herbalism and other systems of natural medical care and wellness, consider researching these natural solutions and be sure to be working with someone schooled in this type of medicine whom can also do an intake on whomever you are concerned with:

For participation, you can go to this link and find one of the items and tell us what you found and when it was used for what virus:

The Pacific yew, cancer trash taxol

"The Pacific yew, a slow-growing tree found in the ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest, was historically considered a "trash" tree (it was burned after clearcutting). However, a substance in its bark taxol was recently identified as one of the most promising treatments for ovarian and breast cancer." (Endangered Species)

Like so many other species they are quuicly destroyed before their medicinal value can be discovered. In regards to agricultural laws, there should be more scientific method involved when finding uses, preferrably more than use, of any plant or animal. Their should be more concern rather than human consumption.